You're very clever, young man. But it's turtles all the way down!

I'm Shane, a software developer by trade, but I try not to let my profession define who I am. This is a space for me to explore my interests which also include art, music, travel, culture, and the exploration of human consciousness.

Currently, I'm working hard in my secret lab trying to craft something of my own. I am open to employment opportunities if the fit is right. You can connect with me through one of the links below if you're interested in teaming up.

Hotwiring FastAPI

FastAPI is my goto tool for small Python projects, but what about the UI? I don't want to go to the trouble of setting up a full-blown front-end framework as I work out a proof of concept, but I still want Tailwind and TypeScript at my disposal as I put together the prototype. My solution? Hotwire.

Bootstrapping WSL: Linux for the Faint of Heart

I've heard WSL referred to as the best of both worlds between Windows and Linux. As a Linux enthusiast, I haven't found it to be quite that, but I recognize that not every developer lives for a tiling window manager with Vim keybindings. Most would prefer minimal interaction with the terminal. For me, the real value of WSL is in team environments.

WordPress Revisited - Part 1

Like many developers of a certain era, I cut my programming teeth on WordPress early on in my career. I've long since moved away from the platform for personal projects, but I recently decided to take another look and see what's changed.

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  1. Company
    RWS, Regulated Industries
    DevOps Lead
  2. Company
    RWS, Regulated Industries
    Software Development Engineer
  3. Company
    Web Developer
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