Making my mark on the Blogosphere about ten year's too late.

A place for me to explore my interests in technology, travel, and art.

Hotwiring FastAPI

FastAPI is my goto tool for small Python projects, but what about the UI? I don't want to go to the trouble of setting up a full-blown front-end framework as I work out a proof of concept, but I still want Tailwind and TypeScript at my disposal as I put together the prototype. My solution? Hotwire.

Bootstrapping WSL: Linux for the Faint of Heart

I've heard WSL referred to as the best of both worlds between Windows and Linux. As a Linux enthusiast, I haven't found it to be quite that, but I recognize that not every developer lives for a tiling window manager with Vim keybindings. Most would prefer minimal interaction with the terminal. For me, the real value of WSL is in team environments.

WordPress Revisited - Part 1

Like many developers of a certain era, I cut my programming teeth on WordPress early on in my career. I've long since moved away from the platform for personal projects, but I recently decided to take another look and see what's changed.